Crapless Craps : “never ever craps” or “ruse craps”

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crapless craps table

“Crapless craps?” The term is an oxymoron. Must be some kind of gimmick, right? Yes, absolutely. Crapless craps (a.k.a. crapsless craps, and sometimes called “never ever craps” or “ruse craps”) is a variation of the standard game where the player cannot lose on the come-out roll because there are no craps rolls. (Remember from our other articles, a “craps” is a roll of 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll. A roll of 7 after a point has been established is called a “7-out,” not a craps.) Don’t Pass and Don’t Come bets are not offered in crapless craps. With a flat Pass Line bet, the come-out roll can have one of only two possible outcomes: (1) a 7 appears and the player wins the even-money Pass Line bet; or (2) any other number appears to establish the point. Since there are no craps rolls, if a 2, 3, 11, or 12 appears on the come-out roll, then it becomes the point.

The craps table layout is different than the standard layout. The standard layout has point boxes for the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. The crapless craps layout includes point boxes, in sequence, for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Additionally, because crapless craps doesn’t offer Don’t Pass and Don’t Come bets, the layout doesn’t have boxes for them.

You might think, “If I can’t lose my Pass Line bet on the come-out roll, what’s the catch, what’s the gimmick?” As usual with almost all gimmicks that the casino uses to attract players, the casino increases its advantage over you by creating the illusion that you’re getting a sweet deal. Not only do the 2, 3, and 12 become point numbers if rolled on the come-out, but so does the 11. You might think, “I don’t care about giving up the 11 as an instant winner on the come-out because I’m never going to lose with a 2, 3, and 12 so they cancel each other out…plus, when the 2, 3, and 12 become points, I still have a chance to win if the shooter then rolls the point.” People who think like that don’t realize that the chances of hitting those point numbers aren’t very good, so the chances aren’t very good of winning the bet enough times to make up for not instantly winning on the come-out when an 11 appears. Simply said, by giving up the instant win with the 11 on the come-out, you give the house a bigger advantage. The net effect is that the house advantage for a flat Pass Line bet goes up for crapless craps compared to a standard layout. In fact, it jumps way up. The house advantage for a flat Pass Line bet on a standard layout is about 1.4%, and it jumps to about 5.4% for crapless craps.

You can take Free Odds on the point in the same way as on a standard table. Let’s look at the true odds.

True Odds for 2 and 12: There’s one way to make a 2 with two dice (i.e., a 1 on one die and a 1 on the other die), and there’s one way to make 12 (i.e., a 6 on one die and a 6 on the other die). There are six ways to make a 7. Comparing the 7 against either the 2 or 12, the true odds are 6:1 (“six to one”). Hence, the Free Odds bet pays 6:1 for the 2 or 12.

True Odds for 3 and 11: There are two ways to make a 3 with two dice, and there are two ways to make an 11. (If you need a refresher on how to determine the number of ways to roll each number, go back and review our lesson on basic craps math.) There are six ways to make a 7. Comparing the 7 against either the 3 or 11, the true odds are 6:2 (“six to two”). “6:2” is like a fraction (“6/2”) so we reduce the fraction down to its lowest term, which is 3/1. Hence, the Free Odds bet pays 3:1 for the 3 or 11.

Let’s see if you’re paying attention. Suppose you make a $10 Pass Line bet and the shooter rolls a 3. There are no craps rolls in crapsless craps, so 3 becomes the point. Suppose you put down $12 in Odds on the point. And suppose the shooter immediately rolls a 3. What’s your total winning amount? Very good! It’s $46. That is, you win $10 for your even-money flat Pass Line bet, plus you win $36 for your Free Odds bet (i.e., at 3:1, $12 x 3 = $36). $10 + $36 = $46.

When making a Free Odds bet with the flat Pass Line bet, you bring the casino house advantage down to a reasonable level, but it’s still higher than with the standard game (the numbers below are rounded). As you can see, crapless craps doesn’t give you the sweet deal that you might have thought.

House advantage Standard Game: Pass Line with 1x odds = 0.9%, and with 2x odds = 0.6%.

House advantage Crapless Craps: Pass Line with 1x odds = 2.9%, and with 2x odds = 2.0%.

You might think, “If the layout has point boxes for the 2, 3, 11, and 12, does that mean I can make Place bets and Buy bets on these numbers?” That’s a great question! Yes, you can. The Place payoff odds for the 2, 3, 11, and 12 can vary depending on the casino. (Note: The Place payoff odds for the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 are the same as with the standard game.) The two most common sets of payoff odds are the following. For comparison purposes, the true odds are given in parentheses so you can see the casino’s advantage over you with these Place bets.

Set #1 Place Payoff Odds:

2 and 12: The Place payoff odds are 11:2 (true odds are 6:1, or 12:2). This means for every $2 you wager and win, you win $11. Whereas, with true odds, for every $2 you wager and win, you win $12.

3 and 11: The Place payoff odds are 11:4 (true odds are 3:1, or 12:4). This means for every $4 you wager and win, you win $11. Whereas, with true odds, for every $4 you wager and win, you win $12.

Set #2 Place Payoff Odds:

2 and 12: The Place payoff odds are 5:1 (true odds are 6:1). This means for every $1 you wager and win, you win $5. Whereas, with true odds, for every $1 you wager and win, you win $6.

3 and 11: The Place payoff odds are 13:5 (true odds are 3:1, or 15:5). This means for every $5 you wager and win, you win $13. Whereas, with true odds, for every $5 you wager and win, you win $15.

Pay attention to the Place odds if you play crapless craps and decide to Place these numbers. Ensure you bet the correct multiple to get the full Place odds. If the casino uses the Set #1 Place payoff odds, then: (1) When Place betting the 2 and 12, your bet should be a multiple of 2 (i.e., an even number); and (2) When Place betting the 3 and 11, your bet should be a multiple of $4. If the casino uses the Set #2 Place payoff odds, then: (1) When Place betting the 2 and 12, your bet should be a multiple of 1 (i.e., bet any amount between the table minimum and maximum); and (2) When Place betting the 3 and 11, your bet should be a multiple of $5.

If you’re die-hard craps player and a stickler about the math, then avoid the crapless craps table and stick to the standard craps game. However, if you want to take a break and try something new or if the standard tables are full, then you won’t be giving up much by playing the crapless table. Check out some safe reviewed casino such as Sun Palace, Casino Max, or Slots Plus to play craps for real money. We also have a bonus guide, and some Craps FAQ.

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